“Summer of 1989”


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“Summer of 1989″
collage, acrylic and oil on canvas
20 x 20 x 2”
2016, by Vanessa Compton

Custom handmade frame made with 120-year-old old barn siding from Vermont’s rural Northeast Kingdom~

I made this piece as a visual reference to the feel of being a child of the eighties.

“As I was green and carefree, famous among the barns…time let me play and be golden in the mercy of his means, and green and golden I was huntsman and herdsman…and the sabbath rang slowly in the pebbles of the holy streams.”

– Dylan Thomas, excerpt from FERN HILL

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Art is revolution and collecting art is a powerful way to add beauty, meaning and inspiration to one’s life. It can happen at any budget level and payment over multiple installments is always an option, it’s how I collect art myself! Please ask if you’re curious, send me a message at info@krinshawstudios.com and we can figure out a plan that works for you to get the piece of your dreams.